Squall Leonhart

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

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Squall Leonhart is the main protagonist of Square's (now Square Enix) role-playing game Final Fantasy VIII. He was designed by Tetsuya Nomura with heavy influences coming from game director Yoshinori Kitase. Squall has appeared in several other games, such as the Kingdom Hearts series, where he appears under the name "Leon", Chocobo Racing and Itadaki Street Special. His weapon, the gunblade, also appears in other works.

In Final Fantasy VIII, Squall is a 17-year old student at Balamb Garden, a prestigious military academy for elite mercenaries known as "SeeDs". As the game's story progresses, Squall becomes friends with Quistis Trepe, Zell Dincht, Selphie Tilmitt and Irvine Kinneas, and falls in love with Rinoa Heartilly. These relationships–combined with developments in the game's plot–gradually turn him from a loner to an open and caring person. Squall's Limit Break (special move) is Renzokuken, consisting of a series of gunblade slashes preceding a powerful finishing move.


Final Fantasy VIII

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

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Final Fantasy VIII begins as Squall duels with Seifer in a training session outside the Balamb Garden military academy. Meanwhile, the Galbadian regime invades the Dollet Dukedom, forcing Dollet to hire assistance from the Balamb Garden branch of "SeeD", Garden's elite mercenary force. SeeD uses the mission as a final examination for its cadets; with the help of his instructor, Quistis, Squall passes its prerequisite and is grouped with Seifer and Zell. Seifer disobeys orders and abandons his team, forcing Selphie to accompany Squall and Zell for the duration of the mission. After the mission, SeeD halts the Galbadian advance; Squall, Zell, and Selphie graduate to SeeD status while Seifer is disciplined for his disobedience. During the graduation party, Squall meets Rinoa, whose personality is apparently the opposite of his. When assigned with Zell and Selphie to help Rinoa's Galbadian resistance, Squall learns that a sorceress named Edea is behind Galbadia's hostilities. Under orders from Balamb and Galbadia Gardens, Squall and his comrades—now joined by Rinoa, Quistis, and Irvine—attempt to assassinate Edea. However, the sorceress thwarts the attempt, and the party is detained. Squall's party also learns that Seifer has left Garden to become Edea's second-in-command.

After the team escapes, Edea launches a missile attack on Trabia Garden. Fearing that Balamb Garden is the next target of Edea's revenge, the team splits into two units. Squall's group returns to Balamb to warn of the attack, but must first stop an internal conflict incited by NORG, SeeD's financier. Selphie's team travels to the Missile Base to stop the launch, but fails. Squall inadvertently turns Balamb Garden into a mobile fortress, allowing the facility to evade the missiles; however, he loses control, and Garden collides with the docks at Fishermans Horizon. While local technicians repair the Garden, Galbadians invade in search of a girl named Ellone, who had been staying at Balamb Garden until recently. Ellone eventually escapes to Esthar, the world's technological superpower. During Squall's meeting with Ellone, he learns that she had been "sending" him and his allies into flashbacks set seventeen years in the past in a vain effort to alter the present. The scenes center on Laguna and his two friends, Kiros and Ward. During the flashbacks, Laguna changes from a Galbadian soldier to the defender of a country village, and then from leader of a resistance movement against Sorceress Adel to president of Esthar.

Meanwhile, Squall confronts his personal anxieties fueled by ongoing developments, such as Headmaster Cid appointing him as SeeD's new leader, and his increasing attraction to Rinoa. While investigating Trabia Garden's wreckage, Squall and his comrades learn that they, along with Seifer and Ellone, were all raised (with the exception of Rinoa) in an orphanage run by Edea; they later developed amnesia due to their use of Guardian Forces. It is also revealed that Cid and Edea had established Garden and SeeD primarily to defeat corrupt sorceresses. After these revelations, the forces of Balamb Garden and the Galbadian army, led by Squall and Seifer respectively, engage in battle above the orphanage. After Balamb defeats Galbadia, the player learns that Edea is merely an unwilling tool for "Ultimecia", a powerful sorceress from the future who wishes to compress time into a single moment; it is for this reason she has sought Ellone. Edea loses a decisive battle against the SeeD, forcing Ultimecia to transfer her powers to Rinoa; Edea survives, but Rinoa enters a coma. Squall becomes obsessed with waking her and goes to Esthar to find Ellone, as he believes that she can help save Rinoa.

While Rinoa is being treated on Esthar's space station, Ultimecia uses her to free Sorceress Adel from her orbital prison. Ultimecia then orders Seifer to activate the Lunatic Pandora facility, inciting a rain of creatures from the moon that sends Adel's containment device to the planet. Having selected Adel as her next host, Ultimecia abandons Rinoa in outer space. Squall rescues her, and they return to the planet on a derelict starship. Upon their landing, delegates from Esthar isolate Rinoa for fear of her sorceress abilities, forcing Squall to rescue her. President Laguna apologizes for the incident and announces Dr. Odine's plan to let Ultimecia possess Rinoa, have Ellone send Rinoa (and thus Ultimecia as well) to the past and then retrieve only Rinoa back to the present, enabling Ultimecia to achieve Time Compression, as it would allow Squall's group to confront Ultimecia in her time. To do this, Squall's team infiltrates Lunatic Pandora, defeats Seifer and Adel, and has Rinoa inherit Adel's sorceress powers. Time Compression is thus initiated; Squall and his allies travel to Ultimecia's era and defeat her.

With Ultimecia defeated, the universe begins returning to normal; however, Squall is nearly lost in the flow of time as he witnesses the origins of the game's story. When a dying Ultimecia travels back in time to pass her powers to Edea, Squall informs Edea of the concepts of Garden and SeeD that she will create. Afterward, he is able to properly recollect his memories and was able to regain consciousness and thus return to the present. The ending cinema depicts the events after Squall's return to the present. Seifer is once again reunited with Raijin and Fujin; Laguna visits Raine's grave (and recollects his proposal to her) along with Ellone, Ward, and Kiros; and a celebration takes place in the Garden, with Squall and Rinoa kissing one another under the moonlight.


Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

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Merupakan HDD External terkecil dan teringan dan sangat pas digengaman tangan anda. Sehingga anda dapat membawanya kemanapun anda mau berpergian. HDD ini sangat sunyi, karena memang tidak menggunakan kipas sama sekali. Dilengkapi aplikasi software "easy-to-use backup" memudahkan dalam mentransfer, menyimpan dan me-manage data Anda. HDD External ini sangat menguntungkan bagi anda yang ingin menyimpan data yang sangat penting, karena memiliki kapasitas yang besar. Kelistrikan disuplai oleh USB 2.0 dan tidak membutuhkan tenaga listrik tambahan, membuatnya sangat praktis.
Ayo beli sekarang juga !!!


Fran Viera

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

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Fran Viera is a warrior and has a bow, his weapon standard. It also provides for the maintenance of the The airship, the beam. Fran, like all Viera is extremely sensitive Ivalice shapes the nebula: it is taken three times, only when they are in the grave Raithwall, if the judge Ghisi warms the Dawn Shard in his airship of the engine, and another time when they in the presence of the Sun-Cryst. Also in Giruvegan could say when the fog cooled. Of all the figures, it seems the solution in between, and despite their rather young, is much older than the rest of the troupe.

Fran lived with her sisters and Jote Mjrn in Eruyt Village, a small enclave in the jungle, where the Golmore Viera live. She left the village and go to page Eruyt their laws called Green Word fifty years before the events in the game because, even if their way to the forest, they do not have to end. This is in contrast to her sister Jote, in which the word for the village green. If the hit an obstacle in Golmore, Fran was forced to the village for help, which in his back and learning Jote Mjrn ran outside the village. After the party could Mjrn, they show the desire, from the wood, but Fran advised him to do so, in what way, in exchange for the freedom she had to sacrifice their past and the ability to voice the wood. France is agree that his past and with the brothers and sisters broke the links, it is now a part of the Hume, and after confirmation Jote on the wood of the adoption he leaves.

In Revenant Wings, The Fran and are looking for the cache Glabados. It is also in Itadaki Street Portable.


The Balflear

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The Balflear called in the original version in Japanese, is a 22-year-old hacker manages Hume sky jet, a blimp in the air Ivalice. He and his wife, Fran prefer to remain outside the war between the kingdoms of Ivalice. But her attempt to fly the goddess of Magicite later would be the Dusk Shard Dalmascan of the Palais-Royal is bad; Vaan flies first, and perhaps an attack by the rebels against the Emperor's Palace and the French are trained in conflict with Archadia.

Born Ffamran Mieda Bunansa, is the son of Mr. Cid (Cidolfus Demene Bunansa), but it's been his father, read the madness and obsession with Nethicite. Cid Although he was a judge Imperial, Ffamran finally decided to sever its connection with his father and his role as a judge, a pirate of the air under a new name. With this new career change, The was an important prey on his head, the attention of the hunter at first as Ba'Gamnan. The Regrettably, it took some time the knowledge that his father was, while they Nethicite He served in the Resistance. Although a peace with his father before his death, the went with the group to destroy Sky Fortress Bahamut in remorse for the deeds of his father.

The applications are from the "first man" of the story many times during the game, and stresses that this status, he is invincible. After Sky Fortress Bahamut crashed with him and Fran still remained without contact until they returned to the beam Vaan and Penelo, a year later, taking one for the new Queen Ashe. The two French, and find the cache Glabados that Revenant Wings is if he has proved with the Eternal. _ The first was the intention, Lemurs treasure that Auracite, but he knew the truth behind them and tried to destroy Auralith, Vaan finally the group of judges to fight the wings, Vaan was his "first man", then it can be to spotlight.

The first crossover appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. It is also used in Itadaki Street Portable.



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Penelo Is 17 years (16 years in the Japanese version) Hume orphan and the friend of children Vaan, the voice of reason to keep without any problems. You dream, a dancer, and martial arts of his older brothers. Five years before the invasion Archadian, a scourge suggested Rabanastre, Vaan murder of his parents and thus REKS Vaan and Penelo were included in the budget. The invasion Archadian killed Penelo family members and let their REKS Vaan and orphans. Migelo, a friend of Bangaa and Penelo his parents, has in its custody and provided them with their work in different stores.

Penelo is often trying to keep Vaan problems, but they could not stop, Vaan is not on the grounds of the palace. They met Vaan, who has been arrested, while the _ Fran. This encounter forced into a series of events, if it was removed by Bangaa headhunter Ba'gamnan prisoners and hostages in exchange for the _. If it managed to escape, she Solidor of Lars, a son of Emperor Archadian Gram, which looked after her and convinced him that he wants peace with Dalmasca. When she finally together with Vaan has the promise to him, not from his side, and has traveled with Vaan, the development of their relations as a Sky Pirate and partners.

One year after the Bahamut in the epilogue game, Vaan Penelo browser serves adventure in Revenant Wings. Back Story In Final Fantasy XII, it's terrible cooking skills, with the figure of mother tongue the other orphans, and subsequently tried his best to adapt their skills in the field by a dinner on the Galbani. His relationship with Vaan was also investigated, and there was a conflict with Penelo treated for a deep Dalmascan Knight appeared in the Lemurs by the chagrin of Vaan. From the events in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Penelo many wins reputation as a Sky Pirate. Penelo in Itadaki Street Portable.


Basch fon Ronsenburg

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Basch fon Ronsenburg Is a 36-years old, captain in the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca. He was in the Republic of Landis, with his twin brother, Noah. After the conquest of the kingdom Archadian their home Basch fled to Dalmasca by a beloved member and the Kingdom. If Archadia attacked Nalbina Fortress, Basch has the defense. He has worked with Lord Rasler Heios Nabradia, bravely defended the fortress against the invading armies of Archadia. The Archadian forces were too much for them to manage. Basch was responsible for the implementation of the Lord Rasler battlefield after fatally wounded by an arrow in the chest (Basch, in their efforts to the attacker). After the occupation Archadian it Azelas and the captain has an attack on the fortress Nalbina in an attempt to save the king, before he caught by the imperial troops. As part of the plot under Vayne Basch, Noah, now Gabranth, with his brother and killed the king and later Dalmascan Vaan's older brother, REKS, was witness to the crime. Therefore Basch is the Dalmascans as a traitor, and declared that he was executed by Marquis Ondore. In reality, Basch was living in the dungeons of Nalbina Vayne as a means to Ondore remains the Empire when the Empire betrayed Ondore all Vayne would do would be to announce Basch the survival of the Marquis destroy credibility.

Finally, it was released Vaan, _ The Fran and tried, the Nalbina dungeons. Although the three suspects were initially from him, especially Vaan, Gabranth not covered his face, ready Basch credibility of the story, which it was developed. After the escape, he has sworn that protect and help the resistance Ashe, despite his failures ago. He has remained faithful, even through events such as treason Vossler. It was Basch of devotion to the honor still surprised that most of its twin, Gabranth and was the cause of the gap between them. Finally, the next compliance Basch believes that his, Gabranth sought a takeover and is on his commitment to Lars Solidor to help his brother and defeat Vayne Ashe on Bahamut. After the battle, as Noah was to die, he asked his brother to Lars protect his place for the safeguarding of peace. Because of the belief that the captain was dead fon Ronsenberg, Basch easily his brother has established itself as a "judge Gabranth Master" will be the new emperor Lars Solidor.

In Revenant Wings, but a judge based on false pretexts, Basch intention to protect the peace and the other, he, when he traveled as a representative of Lars, with the judges of the Wings. Basch, the presence of the key Kytes that he wants to be like one day. [Original search] It is also used in Itadaki Street Portable.
