Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009


Games begin with a flashback to Final Fantasy VII. As Meteor chassis general, Yuffie and Vincent is a mosquito with evacuation assistance. Vincent Yuffie told Mako Cannon. He was not, and devices using only one person still living there. Although the protests Yuffie, Vincent ride shot gun control is to find the collapsed body Hojo. Vincent train its triple barreled gun, Cerberus, but he, as he is to fire, explosion Hojo blows away the body and cause the tower to start crumbling. Vincent is Yuffie narrowly rescued by the hovercraft, after which their rendez-vous with the Cloud and the others.

Games begin with a flashback to Final Fantasy VII. As Meteor chassis general, Yuffie and Vincent is a mosquito with evacuation assistance. Vincent Yuffie told Mako Cannon. He was not, and devices using only one person still living there. Although the protests Yuffie, Vincent ride shot gun control is to find the collapsed body Hojo. Vincent train its triple barreled gun, Cerberus, but he, as he is to fire, explosion Hojo blows away the body and cause the tower to start crumbling. Vincent is Yuffie narrowly rescued by the hovercraft, after which their rendez-vous with the Cloud and the others.

Three years later, in the waterfall cavern, Vincent sat down with the loss of love Lucrecia Crescent, the body covered with Mako Crystal. Telepathically talk to him, apologize, even if Vincent does not know why, claiming he is the person who should apologize. This exchange has been a brief flashback, and Vincent was sitting alone in hotel rooms in kalm, where the feast was held to commemorate the birthdays of three years Meteorfall. A nearby television news show that has just found an entry that is not part of the Shinra complex deep underground, where they say the army is stronger than force Soldier was created.

Suddenly, an explosion in a building near the heralds view more airships in the sky, each containing a number of mysterious soldiers who leave the land and opened fire on civilians. But not all killed: Geostigma free society is herded vectors, those affected by the attack on the eyes. Vincent springs into action, so he came to town, and soldiers to help the mysterious civilians, to meet with Reeve tuesta. Along the way to help members of the World REGENESIS Organization (WRO), a body created by Reeve Gaia to help heal and protect from further damage. At one point, Vincent has been met by a young girl and the rigid question he "Protomateria", which does not know from Vincent. After sending a group of soldiers with him, people accept the challenge of Vincent, a name, Cerulean Blue, and states that "[a] will meet again" before leaving with the girls. After that, Reeve met with Vincent, who asks Vincent to help them in the WRO, although Vincent is reluctant. Reeve is killed from behind by one of the soldiers, but it turns out to be a kind of costumes for Caiti Sith, that Vincent plans to launch an attack against the attacks.

Once emptied the city and forcing the army to back with the help of "real" and fresh reinforcements WRO Reeve, Vincent travel on board with the Reeve, the name of the soldier: Deepground. Supersoldiers new breed of more powerful army, the project was initially ordered President Shinra and a few other people know. Do you have a bit of information they WRO has been obtained from Scarlet file. Suddenly the transmission is in, in which sat a man a long, white hair that messy "is the time to clean up the world." Suddenly the vehicle was attacked by pack of wolves Deepground that, despite efforts to win their Vincent, and even cause the vehicle. Vincent continues on the journey, at the foot, more Deepground combat soldiers and wolves along the route.

Reached Edge, Vincent meets Shalua Rui, a WRO scientist, Vincent said that the city is quiet, before departure, saying that he was looking for "[his] right to life." Meanwhile, the red-head woman sat surrounded by the corpses of many soldiers WRO, lauding "Weiss" in the beginning of his speech. Make its way through the abandoned city, Vincent meets a young boy who helps him get a keycard to access the warehouse, where they met the first woman who presents himself as Vincent Crimson Red before drop wall. Chaos emerged from the rubble and launch an attack the strength of the power of the Red was forced to flee.

After loss of consciousness, Vincent awakens in the pipe at the site monitored by WRO Shalua, error while Vincent Lucrecia. After full recovery, Vincent given by Reeve new task: go to the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim to find the largest number of Lucrecia thesis may be in the Chaos. And the possibility of Vincent's Chaos given form WRO who fight Deepground, Shalua suspected of having the final goal Deepground has something to do with the final weapon, Omega. Suddenly, the security is breached by WRO soldiers led by Deepground Azul. Struggling through a complex and abetting WRO soldier, Vincent Shalua find the view of Vincent, followed by the girls who accompany the previous Azul. After shedding its camouflage, the girl turns out to be Shelke, Shalua long-lost brother and a reason to live, "said Vincent during their first meeting. Shelke Indicates that remind you of that taken by Deepground, Mako and infusions that are used to keep him in the years 10-body (which is actually 19) that is now required to sustain life. Nevertheless, it still tries to complete his goal, and try to attack Shalua. Fortunately, Reeve spoke. Using special tranquilizer bullets, Vincent can be better in the war Shelke and quiet. However, the exit, ambushes Vincent Azul, Shelke shows that attack is only a sheet for yourself. Use of explosives near the barrel, Vincent is able to overcome Azul, even with protection. After handling this problem, make Vincent Lucrecia Nibelheim to find reports for the Omega Weapon, and Chaos. Reeve suggested to go through the sewer system, because the roads on the land that is crawling with soldiers Deepground.

Reach the home network through a sewer, Vincent is surprised to find Lucrecia hologram is waiting her, apologizing again. After finding the rest of the data, running Red Vincent. Preparing for war, the Red, not to send the spider flees like Mecha, the Black Widow, after him, that Vincent is in the building lobby. Preparing to leave, Red ambushes Vincent and plunges his hands into his chest, Protomateria recovery, which turns out to be the one that allows you to control the Chaos Vincent. Without that, it is possible for Chaos to oppress him. Finally, the Red ago to kill Vincent, but the sudden flash covers Vincent's rescue by a mysterious figure.

WRO Vincent Wakes in a vehicle en route to the central office of WRO are monitored by people who save him, which turns out to be none other than Yuffie Kisaragi. Trucks blocked, forcing Vincent on the way home on foot. On the way, Vincent Deepground found near the field, and, of course, when you reach home, under attack from other Deepground, also Grander Scale. After spending a lot of fortified forces attack outside the building, the entrance is open, says internal construction for almost ruins.

Once again, Vincent fights his way to help and although still a bit before the rest of the WRO soldiers find Shalua and Shelke under attack by a giant animal that big blue. Fending off the field to take Shelke shield turned to reveal the creatures such as Azul, the body held in WRO before relaunch. Shelke he stopped to ask him why, he replied that he had also attacked him. With this new Azul attack, said he uses only to the state because Tsviets Synaptic Net Dive (NDA) ability (making the rest of the image itself in the network to obtain information), and that he had not properly considered the Azul Tsviets members. Back shield to keep things from him, while a self Shalua route, Shelke can not do it long enough to stop the door from closing automatically. Have a small open space with a mechanical arm that does not work well under pressure from the door, ushers Shalua through it's Vincent Shelke in care. Shalua express regret that he could not save his little sister from the clutches Deepground before closing the door, crushing Shalua from mechanical arms and leave it to a defense (invisible) by Azul attack, making a comma.

Vincent, Yuffie, Shelke Reeve and manage to escape from the complex only in time to get the cid for Shera. With the help of Cloud and co., The remnant WRO Lauch on the ground floor at the same time that the air attacks on the remnants and the midge family Deepground. Who does not know is that they are waiting Tsviets with their army. On Shera, Shelke struggle to deal with the relatives of victims and abandonment by Deepground, and Vincent will be seen gradually lost control of Chaos (Lucrecia seems to help her composure again). Finally decided to help Shelke and Vincent WRO, if she insists that in the interest rate, while in Deepground, the main mission is to collect the fragments of Lucrecia Research Chaos and Omega's computer network in the world and place it in mind to help you find Protomateria. However, this has had unintended effects: Lucrecia's thoughts and emotions begin to stir themselves. In the hands of the WRO, and provides detailed information about Deepground can use the data collected by Vincent to complete the collection, out of mind, and self-control.

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