Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Senin, 13 Juli 2009


Revenant Wings begins a year after Final Fantasy XII, vaan fly their airship with Penela after Balthier and Fran 'steal' the STRAHL, visiting Bervenia, helping to secure a cache Glabados.

There are the evil spirit and Esper first obtain the property, two strange crystals, on leave when the building began to collapse on itself. Balthier and vaan immediately Penela back Rabanastre where, together with Kytes and Filo, who has seen strange flying objects general: a stranded airship. After sneaking on board the airship and defeat the Bangaa Headhunter Ba'Gamnan, bandwidth and vaan christen the airship that the player decides to default Galbani, and are in purvama Lemurés by accident. While to see the ruins is not known, met Llyud racing and Aegyl learn that people who are locked in battle with the sky pirates raided the island for activities. Lemurés said he had called a crystal Aurach quote. Aegyl decided to help maintain Lemurés, vaan study groups who have been taken by the court of the mysterious pirates Wings, the search for three Auraliths, a great mass of Lemurés Aurach protect from the outside world. In their search for criminals, the gang finally return with their friends made during their previous adventure and face the enemy, old and new, learning, and the truth behind the Lord Feolthanos God, the true purpose of Aurach, the truth behind the mysterious Galbani and Judge of Wings.

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